Friday, July 22, 2011

My new Galaxy

My Sony Ericsson k750i has been with me for almost 5 years. But even for that age, it was still in pretty solid shape. Ok, the speakers were low on volume, and it had lost its looks. But the music player was outstanding as always and so I would turn a deaf ear to anyone who would ask me to get a new phone. But lately, the earphone socket also got loose which meant it was a pain to even listen to music. So I advanced my smartphone purchase and now I am a proud owner of a very beautiful Samsung Galaxy S. It is so much sexier than I thought. I even fell in love with the box it came in. 

I decided not to go for the Iphone 4 with it's closed ecosystem, and double price for only slightly better looks. I have already installed some cool apps, like synthesizers, puzzles and a few games. The file transfer system is a breeze, just like a USB drive, and video any format no problem. And the blog looks fantastic too, with the compressed pixels.


Since I get attached to anything under the sky, I had a hard time letting my ex-phone go. In fact, I removed the sim card a day after I got the galaxy. After all, your phone is the only thing that is around you all the time. And in spite of lots of (unintentional) abuse, it never complained, never got stuck, never disintegrated. Anyone looking for a non-smartphone should pick the k750i, for its sturdiness in build and outstanding audio quality and battery life. No, I wont give you mine.

Moving on, I am hooked to my new baby. Nothing like a new gadget to pump excitement levels up.