Thursday, September 30, 2010

I wish.....

Is the statement 'Follow your heart' a cliche. I think it is when it involves a career choice. And most of the time, it means 'Quit that mundane thing that you are doing now, and pursue your dreams'. Its no small task finding something that will give you unbounded motivation, that one thing that you would want to concentrate all your energy and time now. And the risk involved may not be something you are ready to take.

Steve Jobs' speech is stuck in my head. He found that one thing that he always wanted to do. I dont know where to look for my 'Apple'. I know for sure the things that I am most passionate about. I have this picture of my world in which I will be very happy. In this world, I have a good job, in which I am working on my crazy idea, and which pays for my travels around the world. I chill out by swimming or playing tennis and football in the club attached to my high rise apartment complex. My passion is playing music with my band. And of course my loving caring missus will be my partner in travel, games and long drives, and also lead singer of the band. Everyone in the family is nearby and well-settled. Old friends are around for the laughs. And I have time devoted to working for the underprivileged.

This is a vision, a plan. I dont think its an unrealistic dream or fantasy ( maybe the lead singer bit is pushing it). Looks like a good life. For now, I should work on my guitar, and gather enough knowledge so that the crazy idea can hit me. And in hindsight many good choices I have made in the past with respect to work, relationships, things I have bought, all have had some element of 'Follow your heart'. Maybe it is not a cliche after all.

Like Steve Jobs said, 'you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.' Heres to the dots connecting, like it always has. Amen.

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